Guide for Establishing Strong Water Users Associations in Tajikistan

Voir les résultats en:
Outils de développement des capacités
Vermillion D.

The objective of this Guide is to recommend a process and set of steps for an organization to prepare, establish and to develop effective Water Users Associations (WUA) suitable to Tajikistan. It summarizes lessons learned in Tajikistan, by two donor finance projects, which established and trained 97 WUAs. Establishment of WUAs is essential in order to solve existing problems in the irrigation sector and other challenges faced by farmers and other water users3 . The content of the guides shares the experience and provides a pathway to organize a development team who can teach and guide the communities to create their own WUAs, to use an approach that benefits from good democratic practices, to use approaches the maximize community involvement in infrastructure improvement and provide training curriculum for a plan for future WUA training and development. 

Αnnée de publication: 
water management