Market-oriented agricultural advisory services (MOASS): Guidelines for setting up MOAAS pilots

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van Weperen W.

This report is the result of a study that was carried out for the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), to make an inventory of experiences with ‘market-oriented agricultural advisory services’ (MOAAS). Lessons learned have been drawn from the cases studied. These lessons are the basis for guidelines formulated for setting up market-oriented agricultural advisory services. The guidelines will be used by the AFAAS Country Forums, with the aim of strengthening the agricultural knowledge systems in their respective countries. Cases and experiences were studied in relation to commercial-oriented agriculture, published
on the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) website, and other relevant documents found through internet search. A snowballing approach was used. The outputs of this study are: (1) a list of key documents, relevant for those involved in MOAAS implementation; (2) a report summarising MOAAS approaches and lessons learned on effective implementation; and (3) practical guidelines for starting up MOAAS pilot initiatives

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