Gender equality is one of the ten core principles of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. This guide aims to assist in its implementation through the achievement of responsible gender-equitable governance of land tenure. The guide focuses on equity and on how land tenure can be governed in ways that address the different needs and priorities of women and men. Gender-equitable governance of land tenure ensures that women and men can participate equally in their relationships to land, through both formal institutions and informal arrangements for land administration and management. The guide provides advice on mechanisms, strategies and actions that can be adopted to improve gender equity in the processes, institutions and activities of land tenure governance.
Las presentes Directrices voluntarias para lograr la sostenibilidad de la pesca en pequeña escala en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria y la erradicación de la pobreza se han elaborado como complemento del Código de Conducta de la FAO para...
L’objectif de ce travail est de proposer un plan de formation des différents catégories d'acteurs (à identifier) dans le but d'apporter une contribution significative au renforcement de capacité dans chaque pays et dans la sous-région. Des actions précises visant à...
El objetivo principal del estudio es describir el escenario actual y contribuir a articular una posición común para el desarrollo de la juventud en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar. Por ello, las conclusiones planteadas se trasladaran al trabajo de...
This book represents the proceedings of the FAO international technical conference dedicated to Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries (ABDC-10) that took place in Guadalajara, Mexico on 1-4 March 2010. A major objective of the conference was to take stock of...
Fidèle à sa tradition d’exploration des principales questions émergentes, Nature & Faune a choisi de consacrer cette édition à l’examen de cette urbanisation rapide et de ses conséquences pour les denrées urbaines et la sécurité alimentaire, mettant en exergue les...