AARINENA was established to strengthen cooperation among national, regional and international agricultural research institutions and centers to ultimately support the agricultural sector in its member countries. Women farmers significantly contribute to the agricultural development in the WANA region, but often remain invisible in agricultural research and knowledge transfer. To assess the role that female farmers play in the agricultural systems in the countries of the WANA region and to better understand the level of services that are directed towards them, AARINENA has commissioned this study on women’s empowerment in agriculture. The study included a desk review of available resources and field studies in Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia representing three of WANAs five sub-regions (Nile Valley & Red Sea, Mashreq and Mahgreb). The study findings are compiled in a report that provides a thorough review of available information and data as well as recommendations for policy makers and practitioners in research and extension organizations.
This publication aims to inform the debate on the status of food security in Arab countries, and provide policy options for enhancing food security in the future, in line with the overarching directions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development....
Disasters are increasing worldwide, with more devastating effects than ever before. While the absolute number of disasters around the world has almost doubled since the 1980s, the average number of natural disasters in Middle East and North Africa (MNA) has...
The Sourcebook is the outcome of joint planning, continued interest in gender and agriculture, and concerted efforts by the World Bank, FAO, and IFAD. The purpose of the Sourcebook is to act as a guide for practitioners and technical staff...
These proceedings relate to a regional workshop which was held in Muscat, Oman, in January 2008. The worshop was designed to strengthen the capabilities of representatives of NIFUs (National Information Focal Units) for analyzing the situations of their National Agricultural Information...
This regional workshop was designed to strengthen the capabilities of representatives of NIFUs for analyzing the situations of their NAIS, and to use their national experiences to identify strengths, weaknesses, and threats/challenges affecting seven key areas influencing development of NAIS,...