The gender capacity assessment in Ethiopia, which took place in December 2016, analysed the current gender capacities against desired future gender capacities of the African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) partners. It measured six core gender capacities at organizational and at individual (staff) levels of all six engaged national and regional research institutes. These capacities are assessed in relation to the environmental (contextual) level; the institutional and policy environment that enables or disables the other capacities. For the latter, public and private sector partners of the ACGG implementers, including gender experts, were interviewed. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored the project.
The CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish aims to increase the productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems in sustainable ways, making meat, milk and fish more available and affordable across the developing world. This project analyzed the current gender capacities...
The Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) in collaboration with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Department of Agriculture (DOA), Thailand, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific...
These recommendations are a compilation of 2 regional studies at sub-Saharan Africa level which focused on research and technology transfer in the field of rainwater harvesting irrigatio nmanagement on one hand (section 3), and effective policy recommendations on the use...
TAP and its partners carried out regional surveys in Asia, Africa and Central America to assess priorities, capacities and needs in national agricultural innovation systems. This document provides a Regional synthesis report on capacity needs assessment for agricultural innovation in Africa. FARA was...
The CGIAR Research Program on Integrated System for the Humid Tropics, or Humidtropics, works towards transforming the lives of the rural poor in several action sites in Asia, Africa and Tropical America. In doing so, different technologies and innovations were...