Ethiopia is a home for diverse livestock including small ruminants and has the largest population of livestock in Africa. Livestock is kept for export earnings, food security, economic growth, poverty reduction and employment opportunities.
Ethiopia is a home for diverse livestock including small ruminants and has the largest population of livestock in Africa. Livestock is kept for export earnings, food security, economic growth, poverty reduction and employment opportunities.
Digital platform enhances genetic progress in community-based sheep and goat breeding programs in Ethiopia:
- Up-to-date information on estimated breeding values and animal rankings is directly channeled to breeder organizations and used for selection decisions.
- Lack of automated data capture systems affects timely feedback and accuracy of information for breeding decisions.
Genetic improvement on local breeds kept by small farmers in developing countries is challenging.
Face à la dégradation des ressources naturelles liée à la surexploitation, à la croissance démographique et au changement climatique, les services nationaux de vulgarisation en Tunisie nécessitent une révision de leurs priorités et une réforme de leurs modes de prestation de services.
Le secteur agricole joue un rôle primordial au sein de la Communauté économique des États d’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO).
Potato is the third most widely-cultivated food crop in the world and one of the most profitable food crops. Therefore, it allows producers to improve their living conditions with
The “ONE WORLD – No Hunger” Initiative (SEWOH) by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is part of the G7 goal to free 500 million people from hunger and malnourishment by 2030.
Du 3 au 5 au novembre 2020, s’est tenu à Kaffrine au Sénégal, l’atelier des acteurs régionaux pour le développement du profil de risque climatique de la région de Kaffrine.
Depuis 2011, le programme de recherche du CGIAR sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la Sécurité alimentaire (CCAFS) soutient la mise en œuvre d’une agriculture intelligente face au climat (AIC) au Sénégal à travers le développement et la mise à l’échelle de technologies et pratiques AI
This presentation addresses the topic of sustainable agricultural intensification and gender- and age-biased land tenure systems in Africa.
Local gender norms constitute a critical component of the enabling (ordisabling) environment for improved agricultural livelihoods–alongsidepolicies, markets, and other institutional dimensions. Yet, they havebeen largely ignored in agricultural research for development.