Potato is the third most widely-cultivated food crop in the world and one of the most profitable food crops. Therefore, it allows producers to improve their living conditions with
additional income to build homes, improve schools, and strengthen food security. Potato is also a vital source of nutrition, especially for young people, as it contains substantial levels of protein, vitamins, iron, zinc and potassium. This document describes the good agricultural practices for the production of ware potato in Cameroon and provides a useful information such as the enemies of the crop, the optimal growing conditions and others.
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Animal-source foods (ASF), such as fish, provide a critical source of nutrients for dietary quality and optimal growth of children. In sub-Saharan Africa, children often consume monotonous cereal-based diets, a key determinate of malnutrition such as stunting. Identifying existing sources...
Efficient agricultural value chains create competitiveness and accelerate industrialisation. Though they have the ability to advance economic partnership and competition, in most African countries, agricultural value chains remain underdeveloped and underexploited; moreover, they are hardly affected by political instability with...
This brief puts the focus on the postharvest (PH) losses in Mozambique. According to the authors the glaring lack of data loss for major food commodities in Mozambique should move the government, development agencies, donors and research institutions to invest more on rigorous...
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