This trainers’ manual on capacity needs assessment was produced as part the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project. This involves a global partnership (Agrinatura, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO] and national partners from eight pilot countries) that aims to strengthen the capacity of countries and key stakeholders to innovate in complex agricultural systems, thereby achieving improved rural livelihoods. This manual was produced as a resource for the training of National Innovation Facilitators (NIFs) across all eight pilot countries. The objective of this manual is to strengthen the facilitation skills of National Innovation Facilitators and their ability to carry out capacity needs assessments (CNAs) in agricultural innovation niche partnerships.
La Guía Operativa provee una breve recapitulación de los fundamentos conceptuales y principios del Marco Común de la TAP así como una guía más detallada para la operacionalización del enfoque de rutas de doble vía del Desarrollo de Capacidades (DC)...
The Guidance Note on Operationalization provides a brief recap of the conceptual underpinnings and principles of the TAP Common Framework as well as a more detailed guide to operationalization of the proposed dual pathways approach. It offers also a strategy for monitoring and evaluation as well as a toolbox...
La «Note d'Orientation sur l'Opérationnalisation» récapitule brièvement les fondements conceptuels et les principes du Cadre commun de travail pour le renforcement des capacités des systèmes d'innovation agricole et fournit également un guide détaillé de l'opérationnalisation de l'approche à Double Entrée...
Los Antecedentes Conceptuales proporcionan un análisis detallado de los fundamentos conceptuales y principios del Marco Común de la TAP.
El objetivo del Marco Común de la TAP es promover una mayor coherencia y un mayor impacto del desarrollo de...
Networks and organizations need to find ways to be more effective in pursuing their objectives and thus seek to “learn” to be able to respond, innovate and adapt to complex, changing social and environmental conditions, thus bringing about social change....