Esta presentación hace parte del Kit de Aprendizaje del Nuevo Extensionista (New Extensionist Learning Kit NELK) desarrolado por GFARS. Este módulo ofrece una introducción sobre el cambio de comportamiento y algunos de los factores que pueden influir en este cambio. Segundo, el módulo proporciona una visión general de los conceptos importantes para la facilitación del aprendizaje. También aprenderá qué factores se deben considerar para desarrollar un programa de formación exitoso. Finalmente, el módulo explicará por qué la evaluación es vital en los programas de educación y le mostrará cómo evaluar la experiencia educativa.
Asterio P. Saliot, National Director of the Agricultural Training Institute (Department of Agriculture, Philippines), presented the RAS context of his country at the 3rd GFRAS Annual Meeting, "The Role of Rural Advisory Services in Agricultural Innovation Systems", 26-28 September 2012, Philippines.
The presentation...
This presentation argues the need of green growth in agriculture, analyzes features of the innovation systems and ends with some policies practices. The presentation has been prepared for "Innovation and Modernising the Rural Economy", OECD’s 8th Rural Development Policy Conference, 3-5 October 2012 (Krasnoyarsk, Russian...
Esta presentación describe la experiencia y lecciones aprendidas en el proyecto de implementación de las Escuelas de Campo en la región de Trifino.
This presentation outlines the following topics:a) Changing Context of Agricultural Technology Transfer: Emerging Realities in Asia-PacifiC; b) Technology Transfer within the Agricultural Innovation System; c) Agricultural Extension in Agricultural Innovation System; d) Supply Chain Management Approach and the Role of Extension; e) Major Areas for...
Esta presentación es parte del Kit de Aprendizaje del Nuevo Extensionista (New Extensionist Learning Kit NELK) desarrolado por GFARS. En esta segunda unidad la presentación comenta los métodos y herramientas de extensión. Describe la extensión en el sector público, la extensión...
The Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services GFRAS is about enhancing the performance of advisory services so that they can better serve farm families and rural producers, thus contributing to improved livelihoods in rural areas and the sustainable reduction of hunger and poverty. Rural advisory services help to empower farmers and better integrate them in systems of agricultural innovation. The GFRAS structure reaches smallholder farmers via the regional rural advisory services networks, which are made up of national-level platforms.
The Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services GFRAS is about enhancing the performance of advisory services so that they can better serve farm families and rural producers, thus contributing to improved livelihoods in rural areas and the sustainable reduction of hunger and poverty. Rural advisory services help to empower farmers and better integrate them in systems of agricultural innovation. The GFRAS structure reaches smallholder farmers via the regional rural advisory services networks, which are made up of national-level platforms.