This report describes the work carried out by Institute of International Agriculture (IITA) and Olam in the Mt. Elgon region in Uganda to develop climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices to help farmers to manage the specific effects of weather variability/climate change to that region and lay them out in a “Stepwise” pathway tailored to specific farmer segments to help them make smarter and more timely investment in resilience building practices. Olam, a coffee trader in Uganda, offering direct services to its farmers, sees the project value in its ability to save costs in the short-term while building farmer climate resilience in the long-term, all the while creating a more sustainable supply
This report provides a synthesis of all findings and information generated through a “stocktaking” process that involved a desk study of Prolinnova documents and evaluation reports, a questionnaire to 40 staff members of international organizations in agricultural research and development (ARD),...
El informe está estructurado en tres partes:
• la primera parte trata de la adaptación de la agricultura familiar a los cambios climáticos y de las condiciones de la adaptación; • la segunda parte aborda el lugar que ocupa la...
Cette publication offre de nombreux exemples concrets détaillant différentes manières de réengager les jeunes dans le secteur agricole. Elle montre à quel point des programmes éducationnels sur mesure peuvent offrir aux jeunes les compétences et la perspicacité nécessaires pour se...
The CLIC–SR project started on 1 September 2012, ended on 31 August 2016, and was implemented in four countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. This report covers the work done in the final project period: January–August 2016. The report adds...
Le rapport est construit en trois parties : • la première partie traite de l’adaptation des agricultures familiales aux changements climatiques et des conditions de l’adaptation ; • la seconde partie aborde la place de l’adaptation des agricultures familiales dans...