El presente artículo evalúa el Programa Estímulos a la Innovación (pei) en México, a partir de su contribución al Sistema Regional de Innovación (sri) de Baja California, entre los años 2009-2013. Mediante las metodologías del comportamiento adicional, se analizan los efectos al interior de las empresas, y de redes, se analiza el nivel de vinculación e interacciones entre los actores empresariales, científicos y gubernamentales del sri. Los resultados muestran que al condicionar el financiamiento de los proyectos de innovación a la vinculación de los actores empresariales y científicos, el pei está contribuyendo a fortalecer el sri incentivando el 15% de sus interacciones
This study presents a quasi-experimental analysis of the impact of FairTrade certification on the commercial performance of coffee farmers in Tanzania. In doing so the study emphasises the importance of a well-contextualised theory of change as a basis for evaluation...
In order to facilitate improved returns to research and development in African agriculture, the innovation systems approach which engenders the involvement of multiple stakeholders in its innovation pathway, has been proposed. Despite the potential of this approach, the understanding of its implementation...
This paper (Part II) presents work to develop a network diagnosis tool for stakeholders involved in agricultural supply chains in Bolivia. It is complemented by a further paper (Part I) by Boru Douthwaite and colleagues in the same issue of...
Small-scale farmers' experimental innovations have not generally been considered for on-farm research trials as those in the traditional sector have been perceived as recipients, rather than originators, of technical knowledge and sustainable and viable practices. Yet there is abundant evidence...
Various authors have identified the potential relevance of innovation system approaches for inclusive innovation, that is, the means by which new goods and services are developed for and by the poor. However, it is still a question how best to...