Training manual for Organic Agriculture

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Scialabba N.
Gomez I.
Thivant L.

This publications is a review and compilation of technologies and management practices for smallholder organic farmers. This manual is a joint activity between the Climate, Energy and Tenure Division (NRC) and the Technologies and practices for smallholder farmers (TECA) Team from the Research and Extension team AGDR of FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. This manual provide practical information for farmers to implement organic agricultural management practices and is divided in the following sections: introduction to organic agriculture; considerations for conversion to organic agriculture; step by step conversion to organic agriculture; mulching in organic agriculture; water management in organic agriculture; crop planning and management in organic agriculture; nutrient management in organic agriculture; pest and disease management in organic agriculture; weed management in organic agriculture; plant propagation in organic agriculture and animal husbandry in organic agriculture

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