Livestock is significantly contributing to livelihood and food security of more than a billion people in different parts of the world. However, the performance has been poor in many developing countries, due to various reasons. This paper reviews the distribution of different species of large and small ruminants and their status of production in different countries. The Indian experiences of improving cattle and goat husbandry to generate sustainable livelihood, has been very successful in empowering the poor, which has also been presented. Significant factors which have contributed to the success were genetic improvement, promotion of suitable technologies, development of infrastructure to strengthen the value chain and mentoring of small livestock owners to address their technical and business related problems. This review on status of livestock in different countries, demand for various products of livestock origin and impact of various interventions on performance will help to set priority for investment on development of different species
Esta herramienta permitirá a los actores de los movimientos de agricultura orgánica de los países diagnosticar el estado de sus sistemas nacionales de control de la producción orgánica (SNC) y elaborar, de manera participativay con el apoyo del IICA, planes...
This tool will enable stakeholders in the countries’ organic agriculture movements to assess the functioning of national control systems (NCSs) for organic production and, with the assistance of IICA, to collaborate on the development of action plans to strengthen institutions...
L’agroécologie s’inscrit dans le registre de l’écologie, qui s’intéresse aux interactions - et à leurs conséquences - entre l’homme et son milieu, en tentant de minimiser les effets négatifs de certaines des activités humaines. Elle vise la préservation de l’environnement,...
C’est en 1954 que les paysans de la Commune rurale de l’Imanan, située dans l’Ouest du Niger, ont commencé la culture de pomme de terre. Partie d’une simple culture d’appoint associée à d’autres spéculations, la production de pomme de terre...
Ce manuel est destiné aux formateurs des organisations paysannes (OP) et à leurs membres en Afrique sub-saharienne. Le but étant de fournir une formation sur les techniques et opérations après-récolte afin d’améliorer la qualité des grains et ainsi de permettre...