Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (RAAIS) is a peer-reviewed research for development tool that has been developed, tested and used in 18 countries across 3 continents.
RAAIS supports the identification and analysis of complex agricultural problems in agrifood systems. The joint assessment of problems and identification of innovations to overcome these problems with farmers, policymakers, private sector and other stakeholders provides a starting point for collective action towards achieving development outcomes and impact.
‘RAAIS is an easy way to make people do a dif cult job'
This Nigerian RAAIS workshop participant nicely summarised the objective of RAAIS as a hands-on, participatory, diagnostic tool for integrated systems analysis of constraints and opportunities for agricultural innovation.
This 2nd Edition of the RAAIS Toolkit provides a background on the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of RAAIS, updated methods to support RAAIS, a facilitation guide and materials for conducting RAAIS multi- stakeholder priority setting and Theory of Change workshops, a template for data analysis, and reference materials. The Toolkit can also be downloaded from: www.wageningenur.nl/raais-toolkit.
Readers are encouraged not to use this toolkit as a blueprint, but rather toadapt the RAAIS building blocks to the specific context at hand.
Capacity development interventions in support of agricultural innovation are more effective when based on systematic and participatory assessments of existing skills and capacity needs. Recognizing that, an instrument has been developed in the context of the Capacity Development for Agricultural...
One option for practically applying innovation systems thinking involves the establishment of innovation platforms (IPs). Such platforms are designed to bring together a variety of different stakeholders to exchange knowledge and resources and take action to solve common problems. Yet...
This brief illustrates the different forms of knowledge, and the ways to create and manage it.
This paper examines how the different institutional innovations arising from various permutations of linkages and interactions of ARD organizations (national, international advanced agricultural research centres and universities) influenced the different outcomes in addressing identified ARD problems. A multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary phased...
The first phase in the development of the Common Framework on Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation systems (CD for AIS) consisted of the review of the existing literature, building up a repository of relevant documentation on agricultural innovation in general and AIS and CD...