There is a growing concern by governments, retailers and consumers about the safety and quality of food. Because products are resourced on a on a global scale it becomes important that the origin of the products as well as all the treatments during production can be traced and that the production methods can be verified as good agricultural practices (GAP). This also includes considerations for the environment and sustainability. The concepts and technologies developed in the framework of precision agriculture, including automation and robotics, make it possible to produce with a minimal environmental impact and at the same time all treatments and handling are recorded and can be uploaded in the different data bases that are used for tracing the product origin and for verifying compliance with GAP criteria. Gap criteria are also such that new developments in automation and robotics are stimulated to relief producers from excessive administrative work. As such these technologies can evolve as efficient instruments for food safety assurance.
Durante la IX Reunión del Grupo Técnico de Investigación, Tecnología, Transferencia e Innovación del CAC el 28 de noviembre de los corrientes en la ciudad de Panamá. Para el PDRR la agricultura familiar necesita de nuevos y fortalecidos sistemas locales...
The field of precision agriculture increasingly utilize and develop robotics for various applications, many of which are dependent on high accuracy localization and attitude estimation. Special attention has been put towards full attitude estimation by low-cost sensors, in relation to...
This document sets out how EU Research and Innovation (R&I) policy contributes to the major global challenge of ensuring food and nutrition security (FNS). It is a first step in the further development of a more coherent approach to European R&I...
Given the diversity and context-specificity of innovation systems approaches, in March 2007 the World Bank organized a workshop in which about 80 experts (representing donor agencies, development and related agencies, academia, and the World Bank) took stock of recent experiences...
Le Tuy, province de l'Ouest du Burkina Faso est une région soudanienne à forte pression démographique et pastorale où se posent avec acuité des problèmes de fertilité des sols. Face à la dégradation des ressources naturelles, opter vivre dans son...