This paper reviews the extension curricula currently followed in universities in India at different levels in light of the new challenges faced by farmers, the new capacities needed among extension personnel to address these challenges, new trends in the job market and advances made in the field of extension. Apart from analyzing the existing mechanisms available for curriculum reform in India, the paper also reviews the literature on extension curriculum reforms elsewhere including recent efforts by the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) to develop and promote the New Extensionist Learning Kit (NELK), a collection of learning resources in specific areas where capacities of extension professionals need to be enhanced.
This paper was prepared to present at the Farmer First Revisited: 20 Years On conference at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK, December, 2007. Its focus is the challenge of strengthening agricultural innovation systems. The paper prefaces...
This report provides a synthesis of all findings and information generated through a “stocktaking” process that involved a desk study of Prolinnova documents and evaluation reports, a questionnaire to 40 staff members of international organizations in agricultural research and development (ARD),...
Cette publication offre de nombreux exemples concrets détaillant différentes manières de réengager les jeunes dans le secteur agricole. Elle montre à quel point des programmes éducationnels sur mesure peuvent offrir aux jeunes les compétences et la perspicacité nécessaires pour se...
This paper draws lessons from selected country experiences of adaptation and innovation in pursuit of food security goals. It reviews three cases of systems of innovation operating in contrasting regional, socio-economic and agro-ecological contexts, in terms of four features of...
Con el espíritu de contribuir a este enfoque se presenta esta guía metodológica sobre “Sistemas Territoriales de Abastecimiento Alimentario” orientada a técnicos, académicos y tomadores de decisiones tanto de gobiernos locales, regionales o nacionales como de la iniciativa privada. Su...