The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development cooperation (BMZ) commissioned the Global Project “Green Innovation Centers for the Food and Agriculture Sector” (GIC) to intensify measures to combat Post Harvest Losses (PHL).
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development cooperation (BMZ) commissioned the Global Project “Green Innovation Centers for the Food and Agriculture Sector” (GIC) to intensify measures to combat Post Harvest Losses (PHL).
The “Green Innovation Centres for the agriculture and food sector” (GIC) project, implemented by the GIZ, aims to enhance the agricultural value chains in various countries by promoting sustainable practices and innovations.
This Quick Reference Guide complements the “Contract Farming Handbook – A Practical Guide for Linking Small-Scale Producers and Buyers through Business Model Innovation” of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).
This study aims to 1) describe crises in agri-food systems in the past 10 years, 2) understand their effect on farmers, and 3) address policy options to contain crises, mitigate their impacts in the short-run, and adapt to their presence in the medium- to long-run.
L’objectif général du projet est d’améliorer la résilience de la population rurale face à l’insécurité alimentaire en augmentant leur revenu à travers la promotion des chaînes de valeur.
The project’s overall objective is to improve the rural population’s resilience to food insecurity by increasing their income through Castor oil plant, Honey, Beans and Goat value chains.
Sustainability is GIZ’s guiding principle and forms the basis for our contributions to shaping a society that is fit for the future.
La population mondiale atteindra probablement les neuf milliards de personnes d’ici le milieu du siècle. Selon les estimations de l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), il faudrait augmenter la production alimentaire de 60 pour cent pour les nourrir.
Feeding the world’s steadily growing population while respecting the planetary boundaries will be a key challenge for humanity in the future. Prevailing production and consumption patterns are leading to a loss of natural resources and destroying ecosystems and their functions.
The world’s population is likely to reach 9 billion by the middle of this century. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) believes that 60 per cent more food will be needed by 2050 to sustain all these people.
Due to political conflict, hundreds of thousands of people had to leave their homes in northern Mali in the last decade. Many have since returned to their home but struggle to regain their livelihoods.
Avec le GIZ Programme Mondial Sécurité Alimentaire et Renforcement de la Résilience, l'Allemagne apporte une contribution significative aux objectifs de développement durable (en particulier la SDG 2 - "faim zéro").