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In this section you can find the main resources developed by the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP)


Common Framework Volumes


The Common Framework developed by TAP proposes a practical approach to development of capacities for agricultural innovation.


Conceptual Diagram of an Agricultural Innovation Systems
The 3 dimensions of Capacity Development
The 4 + 1 Capacities
The Framework is composed of three volumes and provides concepts, principles, methodologies and tools to better understand the architecture of Agricultural Innovation Systems and to plan, implement, monitor, evaluate and bring coherence to the Capacity Development interventions.


Capacity Development Manuals


This trainers’ manual collection was produced as part the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project. The project was implemented by Agrinatura and FAO in partnerhsip with national partners from eight pilot countries) focusing on strengthen the capacity of countries and key stakeholders to innovate in complex agricultural systems, thereby achieving improved rural livelihoods.


TAP Tools

FAO in collaboration with Agrinatura has produced a series of factsheets outlining tools and approaches to promote capacity development projects for agricultural innovation systems (AIS). The tools are designed with a view to the practical implementation of the principles of the Common Framework of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP). They have been applied in the CDAIS project.

Other TAP resources

This section contains other resources developed by the Tropical Agriculture Platform, such as practical implementation tools and factsheets for Capacity Development, Success stories from implemented projects, TAP Charter, TAP annual reports, and many more.');

Burkina Faso: A story of change. “Quality is what we need – and the quality of our new relationships helps us with the quality of our cereals”

For many years, rural women have been creating their own agri-food processing companies, that promote local agriculture by bringing to the market original foods in products that are accessible to urban populations. The aim of CDAIS is to support their development by strengthening their capacities to experiment and learn together, as well as to negotiate and make contracts with suppliers and traders. And Dakoupa in Bobo Dioulasso is one of many small family businesses supported by CDAIS through the women-led agri-food processing microenterprise innovation partnership.   This story of...

Burkina Faso: A story of change. "It was a marketplace of innovative ideas, with a cocktail of partners"

The CDAIS ‘marketplace’ to promote agricultural innovations in Burkina Faso took place on July 6th 2017 in Ouagadougou. It was a rich event involving more than 80 people who are working directly with, or interested in working with, different partnerships. The marketplace allowed stakeholders in the six selected niches to get to know and develop relationships with suppliers of agricultural support services. It also provided an opportunity for service suppliers and other participants to show their interests in accompanying the niches on their respective journeys… This story of change from Bu...

Angola: Story of change. “Of course we have problems, but we have learnt to see them as positive problems“

“When I first heard about the CDAIS project two years ago, I knew immediately that it was just what our group of farmers was looking for” explains Edgar Somacumbi. “We have land, seeds, tractors and all the equipment we want, and a processing plant. But moving from being farmer to agro-entrepreneurs is a complex process and requires new skills. And this is where we needed help.” CDAIS is now supporting a group of farmers to improve how they organise themselves and to help them find solutions to their problems. This story of change from Angola is part of a series of stories occurred under th...

Laos: A story of change on agricultural innovation. Nurturing agents of change in agricultural innovation

“Donor funded projects usually work separately from the government,” says Oudong Keomipheth, Deputy Director of the Planning and Cooperation Division, NAFRI and CDAIS project Country Project Manager . “But instead of setting up their own office or partnering with a national NGO, CDAIS has partnered with us, the government.”

Angola: A story of change. Growing hope, from new knowledge on a new crop

Rice is produced in other parts of Angola, but not in the area around Bailundo, though conditions are favourable and there is much local demand. Building on the provision of technical expertise from other organisations, CDAIS is adding capacity development of another sort, of the ‘soft skills’ required to collaborate, learn, engage and adapt. “Now we will grow rice forever” says Marcos Satuala. “This innovation has given us a great thing – a new crop for us. And with CDAIS we can learn more, and grow more, for our families and to sell.” This story of change from Angola is part of a ser...

Laos: A story of change on rice. From virtual reality to real-world change – using a simulation game to increase cooperation in a rice value chain

"I have been to many meetings about policy but never a meeting like this! The CDAIS simulation reflects the way people really work. You can see the real problems" says Mr Vixay Somchalern, head of the Savannakhet Farmers Rice Association. This story of change from Laos is part of a series of stories occurred under the EU-funded CDAIS project, aimed at making agricultural innovation systems more efficient and sustainable in meeting the demands of farmers, agri-business and consumers. CDAIS  brings partners together and uses continuous learning cycles to address the challenges and o...

Angola: A story of change. From knowing needs to sowing seeds

"CDAIS is interesting for us because it is improving how we operate”, explains Francisco Venda, president of the Sementes do Planalto seed cooperative based in Bailundo. “We work with many partners, and the new skills have proved invaluable.” Since 2016, CDAIS has been working with this group, helping them to identify and agree their priority needs, and take steps to overcoming them. But much is yet to be done, though the high levels of energy and enthusiasm will ensure that progress will continue long after the project has ended.   This story of change from  Angola is par...

Burkina Faso: Story of change. Organic certification takes root, thanks to everyone working together

“Thanks to the money I earn from producing organic vegetables, this helps with the costs of schooling my children. I also feed my family with healthy food, and don’t buy any vegetables at the market anymore” says Clarisse Ilboudo, a farmer in the Koubri women’s group, Kadiogo province, Burkina Faso. The Koubri women group is supported through ‘Bio SPG’, a national organic agriculture label based on a participatory guarantee system approach, supported by the CDAIS project as one its innovation niche partnership. This story of change from Burkina Faso is part of a series of stories occur...

Burkina Faso: A story of change on small family business

For many years, rural women have been creating their own agri-food processing companies, that promote local agriculture by bringing to the market original foods in products that are accessible to urban populations. The aim of CDAIS is to support their development by strengthening their capacities to experiment and learn together, as well as to negotiate and make contracts with suppliers and traders. And Dakoupa in Bobo Dioulasso is one of many small family businesses supported by CDAIS through the women-led agri-food processing microenterprise innovation partnership.

Guatemala: Stories of change. Avocados - from annual to tree crops

On 5 May 2018, the Association for Integrated Development of the Altiplano became formally established, and avocado farmers celebrated. “Today, we are so happy to have consolidated our consortium of eight producer associations from different municipalities in Sololá” explains Don Andrés, community leader and lifelong farmer. “Farmers from San Andrés Semetabaj and other communities around Lake Atitlán began to talk about growing a new variety of avocado some time ago. But since the CDAIS project came, so many things have changed. They helped us come together, like a large family of growers now...

Discovery Space


TAPipedia search tools allow TAP partners and other stakeholders to share their own applied and context specific Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) resources and to discover such knowledge from different sources and regions.