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In this section you can find the main resources developed by the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP)


Common Framework Volumes


The Common Framework developed by TAP proposes a practical approach to development of capacities for agricultural innovation.


Conceptual Diagram of an Agricultural Innovation Systems
The 3 dimensions of Capacity Development
The 4 + 1 Capacities
The Framework is composed of three volumes and provides concepts, principles, methodologies and tools to better understand the architecture of Agricultural Innovation Systems and to plan, implement, monitor, evaluate and bring coherence to the Capacity Development interventions.


Capacity Development Manuals


This trainers’ manual collection was produced as part the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project. The project was implemented by Agrinatura and FAO in partnerhsip with national partners from eight pilot countries) focusing on strengthen the capacity of countries and key stakeholders to innovate in complex agricultural systems, thereby achieving improved rural livelihoods.


TAP Tools

FAO in collaboration with Agrinatura has produced a series of factsheets outlining tools and approaches to promote capacity development projects for agricultural innovation systems (AIS). The tools are designed with a view to the practical implementation of the principles of the Common Framework of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP). They have been applied in the CDAIS project.

Other TAP resources

This section contains other resources developed by the Tropical Agriculture Platform, such as practical implementation tools and factsheets for Capacity Development, Success stories from implemented projects, TAP Charter, TAP annual reports, and many more.');

Capacity for change. Definitions and basic concepts of CD for AIS

Powerpoint presenation on basic concepts and definitions of Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS).

Introducing innovation niche partnerships. Strengthening capacity for agricultural innovation in Angola

The goal is to improve capacity for joint innovation, and strengthen this capacity at partnership, organizational and institutional/policy level, through an iterative process with the different stakeholders involved i.e. action and reflection, consolidation of lessons learned and re-planning. Preparatory actions must be well coordinated to ensure success and continuity of the CDAIS project.”   Flyer on CDAIS in Angola: seeds cooperative, rural entrepreneurship and rice development.

A Global Partnership on Developing Innovation Capacities in Agriculture

Powerpoint presentation on Global Partnership on Developing Innovation Capacities in Agriculture.

Developing capacity for change of students and staff in Higher Education to enhance the potential of innovation in agriculture

This paper presents the common framework on CD for AIS developed by TAP and points to the relevance of meta-learning and the importance of “functional capacities”, if higher education institutions and their graduates are to become active players in the agricultural innovation system. The Framework was developed through an inclusive, participatory and multi-stakeholders approach with contributions by TAP Partners, including FARA and the Global Conference on Higher Education and Research in Agriculture. The Common Framework consists of a conceptual background document, a synthesis paper and a gu...

In simple steps: Capacity Needs Assessment

A poster on Capacity Needs Assessment displayed in simple steps.

2015 Interim narrative report - final

Year 1 activities were mainly on establishment of the project team at the global and country levels. A Partnership Agreement between AGRINATURA-EEIG and FAO was formalized and signed, and practical coordination mechanisms established. A Specific Power of Attorney between AGRINATURA-EEIG members within CDAIS was created, agreed and signed by all members, serving as the consortium agreement among members. At the country level, letters of interest and project documents were signed by the national governments of each pilot country and the respective FAO country offices, confirming the engage...

Faciliter le renforcement des capacités en matière d’innovation agricole: la Plate-forme pour l'agriculture tropicale (TAP)

Ce dépliant donne un aperçu de la Plate-forme pour l'agriculture tropicale (TAP) et met en évidence ses principaux objectifs et ses activités.

Facilitar el desarrollo de capacidades para la innovación agrícola: la Plataforma de la Agricultura Tropical

Este folleto proporciona una visión general de la Plataforma de la Agricultura Tropical y destaca sus principales metas y actividades.

Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project: a global partnership

The brochure summarizes main features and goals of the EU funded CDAIS project, jointly implemented by FAO and AGRINATURA to support the Action Plan of the Tropical Agriculture Platform.   The CDAIS project, funded by the EU and jointly implemented by Agrinatura and FAO, enhances innovation in agriculture by improving the functional capacities of individuals, organizations and systems. It brings partners together and uses continuous learning cycles to address the challenges and opportunities in and around selected ‘innovation niche partnerships’ in eight pilot count...

Développement des capacités pour les systems d’innovation agricole (CDAIS): un partenariat mondial

La brochure résume les principales caractéristiques et objectifs du projet CDAIS financé par l'UE, et qui est mis en œuvre conjointement par AGRINATURA et la FAO pour soutenir le Plan d'action de la Plate-forme pour l'agriculture tropicale (TAP). Le projet CDAIS, financé par l'UE et mis en œuvre par la FAO et Agrinatura, soutient l'innovation agricole par le développement des capacités fonctionnelles des individus et des organisations du système national d'innovation agricole. Dans huit pays pilotes en Amérique Centrale, Afrique et Asie, des démarches, des outils et des competénce...

Discovery Space


TAPipedia search tools allow TAP partners and other stakeholders to share their own applied and context specific Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) resources and to discover such knowledge from different sources and regions.