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In this section you can find the main resources developed by the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP)


Common Framework Volumes


The Common Framework developed by TAP proposes a practical approach to development of capacities for agricultural innovation.


Conceptual Diagram of an Agricultural Innovation Systems
The 3 dimensions of Capacity Development
The 4 + 1 Capacities
The Framework is composed of three volumes and provides concepts, principles, methodologies and tools to better understand the architecture of Agricultural Innovation Systems and to plan, implement, monitor, evaluate and bring coherence to the Capacity Development interventions.


Capacity Development Manuals


This trainers’ manual collection was produced as part the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project. The project was implemented by Agrinatura and FAO in partnerhsip with national partners from eight pilot countries) focusing on strengthen the capacity of countries and key stakeholders to innovate in complex agricultural systems, thereby achieving improved rural livelihoods.


TAP Tools

FAO in collaboration with Agrinatura has produced a series of factsheets outlining tools and approaches to promote capacity development projects for agricultural innovation systems (AIS). The tools are designed with a view to the practical implementation of the principles of the Common Framework of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP). They have been applied in the CDAIS project.

Other TAP resources

This section contains other resources developed by the Tropical Agriculture Platform, such as practical implementation tools and factsheets for Capacity Development, Success stories from implemented projects, TAP Charter, TAP annual reports, and many more.');

National Agricultural Innovation System Assessment in Malawi. Consolidated report

The national assessment of the agricultural innovation system (AIS) in Malawi was conducted using a framework of four types of analyses: functional, structural, capacity and enabling environment analysis. The approach included five case studies that addressed three methods including the use of indigenous methods for fall armyworm (FAW) control in Farmer Field Schools (FFS), livestock transfer programs, and a horticulture marketing innovation platform in Mzimba, Ntchisi, Balaka, and Thyolo districts.  Based on the findings of the assessment, the report recommends refocusing research to...

Developing capacities in agricultural innovation systems: scaling up the Tropical Agriculture Platform Framework - The TAP-AIS project

This brochure presents the five-year TAP-AIS project (2019-2024) funded by the European Union under the DeSIRA Initiative and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The project has the main objective to strengthen capacities to innovate in national agricultural innovation systems (AIS) in the context of climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific.

Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) video for the G20 Agriculture Deputies Meeting 2021

This video has been prepared by the Secretariat of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) to present to the G20 Agriculture Deputies Meeting 2021 the work and results achieved by TAP and its partners in 2020.

TAP Newsletter - Issue April 2021 (period: February - April 2021)

The Newsletter of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) provides regular updates on global activities by TAP and its partners, on the projects and on upcoming events. This issue specifically refers to the period from February to April 2021.

Supporting agricultural innovation: The Tropical Agriculture Platform

This video illustrates the goals and work of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), a G20 initiative supported by the European Union to improve efficiency and effectiveness of capacity development programmes and of knowledge sharing in order to strengthen agricultural innovation systems in the tropics and sub-tropics. The Secretariat of TAP is hosted by the Research and Extension Unit, Office of Innovation, of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. 

Apoyo a la innovación agrícola: La Plataforma de Agricultura Tropical

Este video ilustra los objetivos y el trabajo de la Plataforma de la Agricultura Tropical (TAP), una iniciativa del Grupo de los Veinte (G20) respaldada por la Unión Europea para mejorar la eficiencia y eficacia de los programas de desarrollo de capacidades y el intercambio de conocimientos con el fin de fortalecer los sistemas de innovación agrícola en los trópicos y subtrópicos. La Secretaría de la TAP está albergada en la Unidad de Investigación y Extensión de la Oficina de Innovación de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO).  ...

TAP Newsletter - Issue February 2021 (period: October 2020 - January 2021)

The Newsletter of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) provides regular updates on global activities by TAP and its partners, on the CDAIS projects and on upcoming related events. This issue specifically refers to the period from October 2020 to January 2021, including also some activities of February 2021.

Promouvoir l'Innovation Agricole: La Plateforme pour l'Agriculture Tropicale (TAP)

Cette vidéo illustre les objectifs et les travaux de la Plateforme d'agriculture tropicale (TAP), une initiative du G20 soutenue par l'Union européenne pour améliorer l'efficience et l'efficacité des programmes de développement des capacités et du partage des connaissances afin de renforcer les systèmes d'innovation agricole dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales. tropiques. Le Secrétariat du TAP est hébergé par l'Unité de recherche et de vulgarisation du Bureau de l'innovation de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO).

Training of Trainers Workshop on ‘Strengthening Agriculture Innovation Systems in Asia-Pacific: TAP Approaches and Tools’ 19-20 October 2021

The author shares her experience of participating in a training that was organized by the Tropical Agriculture Platform – Agricultural Innovation Systems (TAP-AIS) project, ‘Developing Capacities in Agricultural Innovation Systems: Scaling up the Tropical Agriculture Platform Framework’, implemented by FAO’s Research & Extension Unit, funded by the European Union as a component of the ‘Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA): Towards Climate-relevant Agricultural and Knowledge Innovation Systems’ initiative. The project aims to strengthen AIS by promoting the...

Renforcer les capacités des systèmes d'innovation agricole

Le projet "Renforcer les capacités des systèmes d'innovation agricole: application et adaptation de l’approche de la plateforme d'agriculture tropicale (TAP-AIS)" vise à stimuler l'innovation pour la transformation des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires des pays partenaires en vue de mieux résister aux effets du changement climatique. Il intéresse ainsi le public technique ou pas, les jeunes et les media. Il s’agit notamment de renforcer les collaborations entre la recherche agricole, via son centre régional d’excellence, le conseil agricole et rural, les institutions nationales, les organisat...

Discovery Space


TAPipedia search tools allow TAP partners and other stakeholders to share their own applied and context specific Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) resources and to discover such knowledge from different sources and regions.