Capacity development in the Index-Based Livestock Insurance project

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Dror I.

Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) is the world’s first index-based insurance designed to protect vulnerable pastoralists in drought-stricken areas from losing their primary asset—livestock. This case study demonstrates the opportunities and challenges emerging from the IBLI project. It explains the need to establish the product in locations with large vulnerable pastoralist populations and encourages students to consider and develop an IBLI growth strategy. Through the case study, students will consider various pressures from the market, governments, donors and partners related to IBLI’s growth strategy and future sustainability. It was developed as part of a MBA program in microfinance for students interested in the management of international organizations and NGOs. It is also relevant to a range of other courses, including social entrepreneurship, ‘bottom of the pyramid’ expansion strategies, or introductory finance.

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