Brazil has transformed from being a net food importer, to one of the largest agricultural exporters in the world. The country is now one of the top global funders of agricultural innovation, with a special emphasis on funding R&D for sustainable agriculture. While food insecurity and environmental challenges exist in many parts of Brazil, social programs and funding in innovation have helped those in need. The study of agriculture innovation funding and sustainable agriculture innovation funding patterns in Brazil becomes important to not only direct targeted funding within the country but also to inform other countries that might benefit from the country’s experience. This case study analyses overall funding flows into agriculture and SAI innovation in Brazil between 2010-2019.
This case study accompanies the report: Funding Agricultural Innovation for the Global South:Does it Promote Sustainable Agricultural Intensification? The full report can be found on the CoSAI website
América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) se caracteriza por aplicar una estrategia de desarrollo que depende de manera notable de la explotación de sus recursos naturales. Debido a que la población de la región aumenta de forma sistemática, la presión sobre...
Le sud du Brésil qui possède un bon potentiel naturel en raison de son climat chaud et humide et de son relief favorable est voué principalement à l’élevage et aux cultures de soja, de riz et de maïs. Cette région,...
Súmario: 1 Antecedentes. 2 El hambre cero. 3 Conceptos y principios. 4 Estado y sociedad en la promoción de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional. 5 Desarrollos y desafíos en el combate a la inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional. 6 Características del...
Au Brésil, la diffusion du modèle de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau varie fortement selon l’environnement socio-territorial. Le Sud présente un dynamisme certain s’appuyant sur des initiatives locales. Les acteurs locaux sont organisés en comité de bassin et développent...
The present study aims to characterize a new type of business ventures-agtech companies. Researchers conducted 3 interviews with the owners of agtechs located in Agtech valley and then by using a quantitative approach, collected secondary data of 74 firms from...