Changes in response to integrated interventions in the value chain of vegetables in Atsbi-Womberta district of Tigray region, northern Ethiopia

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conference paper
Woldewahid G.
Gebremedhin B.
Berhe K.
Hoekstra D.

With irrigated vegetables development, interventions on the uses of improved inputs such as water lifting devices; varieties; on-farm water, nutrient and pest management, and access to credit and market information were introduced in Atsbi-Womberta district, Ethiopia. Besides, skill and uptake capacity of vegetable growers, extension service providers and vegetable traders were improved accordingly. The response to the integrated interventions in the value chain of vegetables indicated that the total annual income increased from less than 16,733 in 2000 to more than 3.0 million USD in 2008. Simultaneously, beneficiaries increased by 82% while irrigated vegetable coverage by 87%. These successful changes in income attributed to improved capacity of actors to manage irrigated vegetables effectively in response to emerging opportunities and challenges including shifts in irrigated crop choices in reply to nutrient mining, pest load and market demand. Hence, the introduction of highland pulses in rotation with vegetable successfully breaks the pest load and increase soil fertility while simultaneously generating high income. Moreover, the presence of attractive market for vegetables and alternative crops triggers the expansion of water harvesting and utilization, increased crop diversification and sharpened the choice of marketable crops to optimize income.

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