An emerging user-led participatory methodology Mapping impact pathways of urban food system sustainability innovations

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Book Source: 
Sustainable Food System Assessment - Lessons From Global Practice
McDougall C.L.
Tui S.H.
Staal S.J.
Oborn I.
Ӧborn I.
Philips M.
Thomas R.
Brooimans W.

 The research programme URBAL (Urban-driven Innovations for Sustainable Food Systems) (2018–2020), funded by Agropolis Fondation (France), Fondation Daniel & Nina Carasso (France/Spain), and Fundazione Cariplo (Italy), and coordinated by CIRAD (France) and the Laurier Center for Sustainable Food Systems at Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada), seeks to build and test a participatory methodology to identify and map the impact pathways of urban-driven innovations on all the dimensions of food systems sustainability. By testing this methodology through various case studies internationally  – Urban Food Innovation Labs (UFILs), including sites in the Global South and North  – this project aims to provide decision makers with information on how innovations can contribute to, or work against, building more sustainable food systems, thus assisting them to determine which actions should or should not be taken. This chapter presents the general framework for the URBAL project as well as the main interwoven considerations and approaches that are the backbone of the methodology. Please note that this is an ongoing project and that it has evolved since the chapter has been written. We will point out some changes in the methodology as the chapter proceeds

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