This document is the compilation of the 9 preselected candidates PowerPoint presentation during the FFS Innovation Award Pitch Event.
La presentación explica qué tipo de indicadores se pueden usar para valorar la extensión rural.
This presentation focuses on Agricultural Innovation Systems in different sectors, including the South African wine sector in the apartheid era.
This material was presented duting the conference: Big Data, a multiscale solution for a sustainable agriculture in Copenhagen Denmark in 2017 and brings an overview of the technological innovations of the French agricultural sector.
This PowerPoint document was presented during the OECD-ASEAN Regional Conference on Agricultural Policies to Promote Food Security and Agro-Forestry Productivity (Seoul, South Korea, 12-13 October 2015). The presentation outline is the the following: 1) About SEARCA; 2) Analytical Framework on AIS; 3) Governance of Innovation Systems;...
La presentación es dirigida a productores y grupos de personas, que realizan actividades agrícolas, pecuarias, acuícolas y pesqueras en zonas rurales y periurbanas. El documento da recomendaciones para facilitar el acceso de los productores familiares al acompañamiento técnico y trata...