The issue 3 of the 2020 Capacity Development Newsletter of the International Livestock Research Institute, brings the news regarding short training courses, research and travel grants, fellowships and scholarships as well as all capacity development oportunities lead by the Institute.
Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) is a collection of institutions enabling agricultural and food system transformation in a country. Any attempt to engage in emergency interventions by institutions and bounce back with higher levels of resilience requires strong organizational and human...
The issue 1 of the 2020 Capacity Development Newsletter of the International Livestock Research Institute, brings the news regarding short training courses, research and travel grants, fellowships and scholarships as well as all capacity development oportunities lead by the Institute.
This paper discusses ICT for Open Innovation (OI) from a capabilities perspective. The study distinguish two types of capabilities for OI: strategic, which need to be developed so that the organization can take advantage of an OI strategy proactively, and...
Agricultural innovation in low-income tropical countries contributes to a more effective and sustainable use of natural resources and reduces hunger and poverty through economic development in rural areas. Yet, despite numerous recent public and private initiatives to develop capacities for...
This report describes issues presented and discussed at a workshop held in Rwanda from 6 - 8 September 2012, focused on strengthening capacity in agricultural innovation in post-conflict and protracted crisis (2PC) countries. It was the first workshop of its...