The core idea of the article is the existence of complicated array of deterrent factors that influences innovation activity of agriculture organizations, and subjective, psychological factors among those factors as well. The main goal of this work is to assess the top management and proprietors’ of AIC enterprises readiness to implement the innovations. As a research’ working hypothesis used the decisive role of human factor in answering the question whether to innovate or not. Research hypothesis was tested by representative sample survey formed from AIC enterprises’ top managers, small and medium sized agribusiness enterprises owners. Use of standardized methodic of psychological testing of main innovation readiness components let the study to estimate an overall level of innovation readiness as fairly low. The most problematic component appeared to be an organizational readiness, especially in comparison with relatively high results of personal and cognitive readiness
The core idea of the article below is the existence of complicated array of deterrent factors that influences innovation activity of agriculture organizations, and subjective, psychological factors among those factors as well. The main goal of this work is to...
This PROLINNOVA report to the 3rd GFAR Programme-Committee meeting is composed of two parts.
The past 1 entitles ‘ PROLINNOVA genesis and growth’ describes historical background and
PROLINOVA in general while the part 2 entitles ‘2007 accomplishments’ narrates...
According to the literature on regime tran-sition, niches are sources of innovation that may lead to the transformation of the dominant regime, if pro-cesses at other level of the system –the landscape and the mainstream regime -are supportive. A focus...
Les agricultures familiales constituent la très grande majorité des agricultures du monde, la première source d’emploi en milieu rural et le premier fournisseur de biens alimentaires. Elles sont à l’honneur sur la scène internationale avec la proclamation par l’Organisation des...
Cette publication offre de nombreux exemples concrets détaillant différentes manières de réengager les jeunes dans le secteur agricole. Elle montre à quel point des programmes éducationnels sur mesure peuvent offrir aux jeunes les compétences et la perspicacité nécessaires pour se...