Selected good practices in agricultural knowledge management

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good practice
International Livestock Research Institute

This guide is developed by synthesizing successful field experiences within a project known as Improving Productivity & Market Success of Ethiopian Farmers Project or IPMS Project. The main purpose of the IPMS project was to test methods, approaches, and processes that can help transform Ethiopian smallholder agriculture from subsistence to a market‐oriented agriculture.
There are four major project implementation pillars: knowledge management, capacity building, commodity development, and research & promotion. As part of the knowledge management pillar, IPMS tested several interventions hoped to bring about a functional knowledge management system at various levels of the Ethiopian agriculture sector. Selected examples of these interventions that are described so that others trying to carryout similar intervention can benefit from the experiences of the IPMS project includes: Woreda Knowledge Centers;The Ethiopian Agriculture Portal; MSc & BSc level education and research; Seminars; Working Papers; Enhancing the role of FTCs; Study Tours; Technology Exhibitions.

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