Site integration and capacity development: developing and sustaining capacity in national systems through coordinated, aligned and collaborative CapDev interventions

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Manning-Thomas N.
Atta-Krah K.

Capacity development (CapDev) has been identified in CGIAR’s Strategy and Results Framework as a strategic enabler of impact for CGIAR and its partners, particularly through building and sustaining capacity of national partners and beneficiaries.

This CapDev brief is part of a series of ‘Legacy Products’ developed under the CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics (Humidtropics – ) to help CGIAR Research Programs integrate key ‘capacity development in systems’ concepts into their work. Site integration offers a valuable entry point for achieving coordinated, aligned and collaborative CapDev activities at country-level as a key delivery mechanism towards impact. The brief introduces the rationale, objectives and requirements for site integration.

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