In response to a growing demand for high quality and internationally comparable statistics, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) develops, implements and promotes methods and standards to guide data producers, both at the country level and inside the Organization, in generating and using sound statistics. This flyer gives a snapshot of FAO’s work and activities in this domain.
FAO’s Office of Innovation is working with CIRAD (International Cooperation Centre of Agricultural Research for Development) and other partners on an FAO initiative on foresight on pre-emerging and emerging agrifood technologies and innovations, aligned with UN 2.0 and The Future...
Innovation has a high potential for increasing productivity and farmers’ income,l and consequently reducing poverty and improving food security. However several tropic al countries lack the resources and capacities to suitably develop their agricultural innovation systems. To address this gap,...
Family farmers innovate by developing assemblages of old and new food system practices and organizational processes, using both traditional and diverse forms of knowledge and connecting these with newly available information and technologies. These innovations have a holistic approach and...
Rural producers operate in a very complex reality. They are faced with serious and interconnected challenges such as globalized and unstable markets, volatile prices, a degrading natural resource base and the effects of climate change. In addition, especially in developing...
This policy brief summarizes the background, evidence and insights from the innovative governance modelling and analysis work developed in Indonesia under the "Governance Innovation for Sustainable Development of Food Systems” subprogramme. In addition, the brief offers guiding points and recommendations...