Innovation Portfolio Management for International Development Organisations - Part 1

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Hanson, A.
Kumpf, B.

Innovation portfolio management enables not only commercial actors but also public sector organisations to systematically manage and prioritise innovation activities according to concurrent and diverse purposes and priorities. It is a core component of a comprehensive approach to innovation management and a condition to assess the social return of investment across an entire portfolio. The OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) has worked in this space for a number of years. By gathering the latest innovation portfolio management knowledge and practices, we developed the Innovation Facets model as well as interactive workshops and digital tools to support public sector organisations and civil servants in OECD Member States to enhance innovation management. In 2022, OPSI teamed up with the relatively young 'OECD Innovation for Development Facility' to adapt this work to the international development sector, with a particular focus on supporting development funders and members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee.

Publication year: 
innovation management
Innovation Portfolios