Guía de Herramientas: Para el facilitador de escuelas de campo de agricultores con enfoque de Manejo Integral de la Finca

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agricultural practice
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) / Howard G. Buffet Foundation

The proposed timeframe for the curriculum is three years. This guide aims to provide the elements required to apply the FFS methodology by employing a comprehensive farm management approach. The innovative perspective of this guide motivates learning beyond one crop and encourages understanding of the farm as a system. Diagnostic tools address the productive status of the various components of the farm and utilizes a planning matrix and future mapping. The maps of the current and future farm can be compared after one year to model and reflect progress, which is focused on integrated management and sustainable agriculture. The AESA includes observations and records on various farm components such as farmyard, crops, agroforestry system, forest, coffee, as well as on livestock and poultry. The guide includes specific topics on the principles of integrated farm management, basic costs and marketing on the farm, identification of marketing opportunities and product prioritization, commercialization, income generation and organizational management. Organization of field days on the FFS farm and exchange visits form part of the curriculum to motivate the group through the sharing of their experiences with other FFS farm groups to learn about their successes.

Publication year: 
Integrated farm management