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In this section you can find the main resources developed by the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP)


Common Framework Volumes


The Common Framework developed by TAP proposes a practical approach to development of capacities for agricultural innovation.


Conceptual Diagram of an Agricultural Innovation Systems
The 3 dimensions of Capacity Development
The 4 + 1 Capacities
The Framework is composed of three volumes and provides concepts, principles, methodologies and tools to better understand the architecture of Agricultural Innovation Systems and to plan, implement, monitor, evaluate and bring coherence to the Capacity Development interventions.


Capacity Development Manuals


This trainers’ manual collection was produced as part the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project. The project was implemented by Agrinatura and FAO in partnerhsip with national partners from eight pilot countries) focusing on strengthen the capacity of countries and key stakeholders to innovate in complex agricultural systems, thereby achieving improved rural livelihoods.


TAP Tools

FAO in collaboration with Agrinatura has produced a series of factsheets outlining tools and approaches to promote capacity development projects for agricultural innovation systems (AIS). The tools are designed with a view to the practical implementation of the principles of the Common Framework of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP). They have been applied in the CDAIS project.

Other TAP resources

This section contains other resources developed by the Tropical Agriculture Platform, such as practical implementation tools and factsheets for Capacity Development, Success stories from implemented projects, TAP Charter, TAP annual reports, and many more.');

Conversations of change: Angola

There was a need for change in agricultural development in Angola, and CDAIS has been appreciated. Results show positive outcomes in a number of areas, including the acceptance of the benefits of strengthening functional capacities across different levels. And, although it is still too early to see the full benefits of the approach, many involved said they would continue to apply it in their other activities. This story begins with views and experiences from rice growers and their partners, as an example of one of the three innovation niche partnerships in Angola...

Conversations of change: Rwanda

Rwanda has benefited from ‘hard’ agricultural invest­ ment projects in the past two decades, promoted by a supportive and responsive government in collaboration with various donors and development actors. CDAIS looked to increase the impacts of such investments through strengthening ‘soft’ skills in three innovation niche partnerships surrounding significant public, private or donor­funded infrastructure developments, and linking this to organisational and national levels. Of these, this story focuses on experiences from the Rwangingo– Karangazi catchment partnership, wher...

Conversations of Change: Ethiopia

Results in Ethiopia show positive outcomes from CDAIS activities, proving the benefits of integrating functional capacity strengthening across individual, partnership, organisational and national levels. Common to all these levels are the CDAIS team, who tell their stories here alongside other partners. Examples are presented from one of the five innovation niche partnerships in Ethiopia, and how new ways of doing things introduced by CDAIS since late 2016 have led to positive changes through the strengthening of chickpea cluster farming around Gondar in the north of...

Conversations of Change: Burkina Faso

The Government of Burkina Faso embraced innovation in agriculture many years ago, thus CDAIS could build on solid foundations. Six innovation niche partnerships were selected, each working on very different types of innovations, technically, socially or organisationally, and facing contrasting challenges for capacity development. Agrinatura partner CIRAD, well established in Burkina Faso thanks to strong partnerships with key stakeholders within the national agricultural innovation system, implemented the project with FAO and the Ministry of Higher Education, Sci...

Conversations of change: Guatemala

There have been clear changes in Guatemala and, according to those involved, outcomes exceeded expectations. These have resulted from the strengthening of functional capacities across individual, partnership, organisational and national levels, using processes that have evolved since the CDAIS project began in 2015. Of the four selected innovation niche partnerships in the country, the conversations here explore the experiences of avocado producers in Sololá, led by AIDA, the Association for the Integral Development of the Altiplano. And much has changed since CDAIS ...

Conversations of change: Bangladesh

Agriculture provides the principle source of livelihood for more than 80% of its 170 million people, and is the backbone of the Bangladesh economy. The government acknowledges this in its strategy to 2041, with investment in research and extension. CDAIS began in 2015. At the outset, however, the need to also invest in strengthening functional capacities was not recognised by those used to the ‘traditional’ technology transfer model. The story of mango producers in Chapai Nawabganj district is offered here as an example, though CDAIS saw success with all three innovation n...

Conversations of change: Honduras

The CDAIS project has been an accelerator of processes, with results that have spread from community to governmental levels. Those who have been involved consider that CDAIS was a key reason for these changes, having arrived as a springboard in 2015. Of the four partnerships in Honduras, these conversations explore the experiences of potato producers in La Esperanza, Intibucá, home to almost 70% of national potato production. Since 2015, much has changed for them: from a small group of growers, eight associations have become consolidated organisations. Supported by t...

2018 Interim narrative report. First draft.

A conceptual framework that promotes an integrated and comprehensive approach to Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CD4AIS Framework) was developed in Year 1 of the project. It argues that for innovations to emerge, functional capacities are needed. There are 4 functional capacities i.e. capacity to navigate complexity, to collaborate, reflect and learn and engage in strategic and political process. These capacities should be inherent within individuals, organisations, systems level (local and national level including policy systems). The capacities are developed t...

Stories of change: Building competence and confidence in agricultural innovation

This book collects 24 stories of change from the EU-funded CDAIS project. Launched in 2015, the overall objective of CDAIS is to make agricultural innovation systems more efficient and sustainable in meeting the demands of farmers, agri-business and consumers. The stories are about the eight pilot countries - in Africa, Asia and Latin America - in which CDAIS operates. Countries and title of the 24 stories are provided below, with date of last update for each story. Angola: 01) From farm to agri-business (February 2018) 02) From knowing needs to sowing seeds (March 2018...

CD interventions tool

This tool  helps the design of comprehensive capacity development interventions aimed at strengthening mainly functional capacities. The purpose of this tool is to  provide an overview of the different options in terms of capacity development modalities that an innovation partnership can consider while developing the action plan. The interventions proposed are based on the CDAIS experience and the FAO CD materials and include a mix of diverse activities, actions and processes aimed at addressing the three levels of capacity development (i.e. individual  organizational enabling e...

Discovery Space


TAPipedia search tools allow TAP partners and other stakeholders to share their own applied and context specific Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) resources and to discover such knowledge from different sources and regions.