Paper presented to the European Initiative for Agricultural Research and Development (EIARD), 12 January 2015.
La presentación da una definición de agricultura familiar y sus características esenciales conjuntamente con una definición de extensionismo. Después, ésta habla sobra les avances del extensionismo en las políticas sectoriales y la incorporación de nuevos temas y actores en la...
This study, conducted by the World Bank at the request of the Government, is motivated by the need to understand Malaysia’s progress in facilitating the shift to a knowledge-focused economy. The assessment has three primary objectives related to the ETP’s...
This report on actors and issues in rural advisory services (RAS) aims to provide the required background information and analysis that will – together with other ongoing validation activities – enable GFRAS, the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services, to develop...
World Bank Institute (WBI) works to improve the understanding, practice and results of capacity development, an important way to support development goals and priorities for aid effectiveness. WBI developed the Capacity Development and Results Framework (CDRF), as a strategic and...
The State of Food and Agriculture 2014: Innovation in family farming analyses family farms and the role of innovation in ensuring global food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. It argues that family farms must be supported to innovate in...