Agriculture is a vital sector that will feed a projected global population of 9.5 billion by 2050. Smallholder farmers produce more than 70 percent of the world's food. Globally, there are approximately 570 million smallholder farmers, who own less than two hectares of land. However, smallholders in most developing countries face challenges such as access to finance and insurance, unfair wages, access to agricultural resources and lack of market access.
The global food supply is increasingly facing disruptions from extreme heat and storms. It is also a major contributor to climate change, responsible for one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.This tension is why agriculture innovation is increasingly being elevated in international climate discussions.
This manual, for FFS facilitators and coordinators, refers to the previous publication and specifies how the topic and practices on trees outside forests can be implemented using the FFS approach. This is accomplished by introducing an adapted AESA and special topics for a four-month FFS growing season. The agroforestry ecosystem analysis (AFESA) includes TOF, production, environmental services, trees, non-trees – bamboos and palms – and shrubs on different types of rice fields in combination with sketch maps and record making.
This field guide is co-published by the Project for the ECBFMP, Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Region III, KASAKALIKASAN, and ASEAN IPM Knowledge Network integrates best practices and learning experiences on agroforestry farming systems in the Philippines and the Asia-Pacific Region based on the shared experiences of FFS facilitators, farmer-practitioners and technical experts. Field walks, soil maps, farmer-validated baseline surveys, material-flow charts and the ballot box exercise, with a broad listing of possible questions and answers serve as diagnostic tools.
This manual aims to guide TOT on FFS on coffee production; a yearlong FFS curriculum is foreseen. Various group diagnostics are introduced such as voting, spider web, problem periodization and ballot box and a sample AESA sheet is provided on coffee as well as information on the distribution of trees to be observed; observations and record making on the shade distribution of coffee and other trees on the plots.
Building on shared experiences, experiments and knowledge acquired by farmers in Peru, this methodological guide includes a detailed section on the steps required to set up an FFS and its methodology and a second section on FFS for cacao cultivation in the different phenological stages. The document presents various diagnostic tools such as community and main cultivation mapping, ballot box, cultivation plans, such as matrix and cultivation cycle to analyse problems. The AESA is adapted to cacao production and includes a comparison of conventional and learning farm plots.
The proposed timeframe for the curriculum is three years. This guide aims to provide the elements required to apply the FFS methodology by employing a comprehensive farm management approach. The innovative perspective of this guide motivates learning beyond one crop and encourages understanding of the farm as a system. Diagnostic tools address the productive status of the various components of the farm and utilizes a planning matrix and future mapping.
This collection of special topics by FIDA Niger cover agroforestry systems, such as assisted natural regenerations, improved land clearing and improved fallow, wind breaks – how to improve the forest species used, forest nursery management, plant and plant maintenance, live hedge techniques, conservation agriculture, light stripes, as well as dune fixation, pasture management, intercropping and diversification of production.
Agroforestry is a traditional practice of integrating trees with crops and/or animals. Agroforestry is gaining increasing recognition as a way to restore degraded sloping lands, to contribute to food security and for economic development in DPR Korea. Agroforestry can greatly help to transform landscapes where trees are a keystone of productivity and thus deliver multiple benefits for humans and ecosystems. This guide contains a set of technical illustrations that provide practical, user-friendly information for planning a variety of agroforestry practices.
Les démarches paysannes de co-construction d’inno- vations des systèmes agricoles sont apparues depuis soixante-dix ans dans plusieurs régions du monde et ont constitué un tournant dans la manière d’aborder le conseil agricole. En effet, construites en réaction à un mode de conseil agricole "vertical", qui repose sur la transmission des connaissances du technicien à l’agriculteur, ces démarches alternatives ont pour but le développement des paysan(ne)s et de leurs capa- cités à rechercher par eux-mêmes les solutions à leurs problèmes.